TPE/TPV Plastic Profaili Ime igwe
Otu ịghasa Extruder
NO | Aha Ngwaahịa
1 | igwe na-enye nri agụụ |
2 | hopper draya |
3 | SJ90/30 otu ịghasa extruder na 200kg.h mmepụta |
4 | SJ45/30 singe ịghasa extruder |
5 | Akpụkpọ anụ |
6 | 6m tank mmiri jụrụ oyi |
7 | Ebupụ unit na etiti nchekwa |
8 | Igwe eji egbutu |
9 | winder |
PVC TPU TPE Plastic sealing warara profaịlụ Extrusion Line
A na-eji igwe eji eme ihe maka imepụta akara mkpuchi nke PVC TPU TPE plastik wdg, na-egosipụta nsonaazụ dị elu, extrusion kwụ ọtọ, nri ike dị ala.Na-emegharị inverter ama ama, SIEMENS PLC na ihuenyo, ọrụ dị mfe na mmezi.
ndepụta ngwaahịa sitere na Profaịlụ Architectural (EPDM, silicone roba & PVC);Ndị na-agba mmiri, ụgbọ mmiri ụgbọ mmiri;Ngwaahịa dịpụrụ adịpụ;Roba roba, ngwaahịa polyurethane;Mpempe akwụkwọ rọba & ngwaahịa rọba akpụziri nke ọma.
Otu ịghasa extruder SJ90 na SJ45 maka TPV TPE
The extruder na-eme ka TPV TPE wee site ebu na-eme ka mmepụta ahịa ịtụ
Mgbe ahụ jụrụ site na tank jụrụ oyi
Mgbe ahụ site n'iwepụ mmepụta ikpeazụ
The cutter igwe egbutu ogologo ndị ahịa mkpa
Igwe winder ka ikuku mmepụta